Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Feel grateful

Sometimes there are times that unintentionally, without realizing i have asked Him
Why He do this to me? For what i have done why i still cant get what i want.
Why others can get but not me? Why He kept testing me?
Why the world so unfair to me?
I know itz hurt. Itz hurt me as well.
Without me myself realize i do a cruel sin.
I didnt accept qada' and qadar written by Him
How sinfull person i am.

Forgive me ya Allah.
I've kept repeating my mistake.
Even i know You already promise
He will give me the best. Not the best that i want, but the best that i should get

I teach myself, to be positive.
I tell myself that Allah have better plan for me,
I trust it because i have seen it.
I have seen a person. Who are for me is a very hardworking and amazing person
Which in my mind either i cant be like that person
But, unfortuntely that person didnt get what that person want..
I'm shocked. I'm feel to low. Why? I didnt do as much as that person did but i get what i want
Without other persons realizing, i kept trace about that person
What happened to that person after that.
Yeah. That person never give up. Becase that person trust on fate! That person will get what that person want. Maybe not now but later.

After few years, i feel like want to know what happened to that person.
Alhamdulillah, finally that person success. 
Success that maybe none of us will predict that person will finally success
Not in term of very successful yet but success.
Itz enough right? Why u should asked more if little is already enough?

Trust Him. Accept what He give now. Never give up. And always. Always. Think positive.
Doesnt mean that He didnt answer u now, He will not answer u forever,
Doesnt mean He didnt give what u want today, He will not give it to u forever,
He will. If itz good for u, but He wouldnt if it is bad for u. But trust Him. He will give better things for u as a replacement. 
So, for what reasons u must complaining 1001 things to Him? 
Feel grateful. Be thankful. The life that He give to us already are meaningful and priceless.
And without realizing, actually we already asked too much from Him.
So, its a good thing right if we can find some time to say 'Alhamdullilah' to him rather than complaining and blaming to Him? 

Saturday, 31 May 2014


as a human. as a normal human
there always be a time when we did not satisfied with what we have
we start complaining about 1001 stuffs in our life.
feeling that what we get is the lowest. the other persons is better
n from that we start blaming. to all people around us. and sometimes to HIM

then. what should we do?
ALLAH already give everything to us.
but maybe not in the way that we want
not in the portion that we ask
but, still the "amount" will be the same
how about us?
did we give HIM the same "amount" HE should get from us?
ask ourself.
answer ourself.

Ya ALLAH, ikhlaskan hatiku. tetapkan imanku. tetapkan niatku.
disebalik doa, keikhlasanlah yang ku pohon
kerana ku tahu.
tiap langkahkah, tiap ibadahku, tiap amalanku.
tanpa keikhlasan,
ibarat mencurah air ke daun keladi.
tiada kesannya. di hatiku. di tempat Mu
dan aku tetap berada di tempat sama.
bantu aku ya ALLAH.
bantu mereka ya ALLAH.
sesungguhnya tiap langkahku
selalunya mereka akan meninggalkan kesan
agar diriku bertambah baik dari sehari ke sehari.
jadikan aku dia n mereka. hamba-hambaMu yang senantiasa bersyukur
agar tiap langkah, ibadah n amalan kami
senantiasa mendapat redha Mu ya ALLAH..

Friday, 23 May 2014

i'm soo sorry

complicated feelings of mine,
that is who i am.
kadang2 betul dalam percakapan kita kena hati2.
sebab tanpa sedar adakalnya ia melukai walaupun ia bukanlah niat di hati.
for those who involved.

i'm so sorry..
even how much i wish i did not hurt anybody, but still i kept repeating my mistake.
i'm so sorry
when without me n myself realize i kept make people touched n hurt with what i'm doing.
but please. understand me. as a human sometimes i cant help it.
my emotions controlled myself more than i can controlled it.
i'm so sorry..
sometimes i make decision without thinking because maybe thinking too much make it more difficult.
i'm so sorry
when sometime i do something that is no one can predicted.
but trust me, most of the time my decisions. my steps. my choices.
i have another reasons behind it.
for what reasons i'm doing it.
which sometimes i cant tell what is it
which sometimes i did not want to put too much hope on it
n which sometimes i just like making surprise.

rasa sedih n syahdu bila fikir tadi dah kelas terakhir. 
kelas terakhir untuk degree bpharm ni
n mungkin kelas terakhir sampai bila2 la kot.
master? not in my mind for now.
sweetness, sourness, bitterness n etc during these 4 years.
teach me a lot.
which maybe become the best memories in my life.

u dont need 1000 pictures in ur hand to remember all the memories when u already have 1 in ur heart.

with love:
22 may 2014
Saturday, 17 May 2014

Things i want to ask

if there are something that i can ask for.
2 things that i need:
1. please do not treat me like someone else different. treat me like who i am. i am the same person, yesterday today n insyaALLAH tomorrow. so, please do not treat me like this
2. please do not be there for me. be there with me. it will be different. i dont need people to be there for something. i just need people to be there with me, so that we can do something together. 

#finalsem #finalyear #bpharm #usm #studentslifeendsoon
Sunday, 11 May 2014


Yesss. I am the laziest person when it comes to take the medicine. (Wlaupun rasa macam banyak benda lagi aku malas). Pharmacist ke tak itu belakang kira.. Gituuu..
I hate to take the medicine. Thats the fact. It was a good thing when people can 'force' me to take it without me willing to do that. (Sebab kadang2 memang dah sakit yang tak tertahan tu, atau takut makin teruk)
Even my parents will choose to see me take the medicine in front of them because they absolutely do not trust me when it comes about taking the medicine. Haha!!!
Please do not feel weird why i am choosing this course even me myself was the worse person with compliance. Pandai nasihat, buat takkk,,, gagaga
Saturday, 3 May 2014

I have tried!

i tried. seriously i tried.
even i felt that its useless. nothing different. nothing changes.
but most important things i have tried right?
*tears falling down*
ya ALLAH..
for now.for this time.
i think this is one of my biggest challenge that u have given to me.
even i do not know what will happen in future.
i just want one thing ya ALLAH..
everything will be 'easier' for me..
even itz actually hurt and breaks my heart soo much. deep inside.

"HE never promise that life would be easy, but HE promise to go through with you. in every steps in my life"

akan tiba satu masa nanti,kita cuba melihat kehadapan.
memberi harapan pada diri sendiri.
memberi keyakinan pada diri sendiri.
meskipun terdapat seribu rintangan yang melanda.
masih terdapat satu jalan yang bebas dr rintangan
meskipun satu dunia memandang sebaliknya
masih terdapat seseorang yang memandang kebenarannya.

ya ALLAH jika benar kata2 itu pengungkap rasa
berikan aku kekuatan untuk mencari kata2 itu.
agar dapat aku bisikkan apakah sebenarnya yang terjadi
tetapi aku tau ya ALLAH..
meski sehebat mana kata2 itu
meski seindah mana puisi itu.
tiada satu pun dapat mengungkap apakah sebenarnya yang terungkap hati

KAU memahami ya ALLAH
KAU Maha Mengetahui.
sedikit masa saja lagi ya ALLAH. kuatkan aku..
jadikan hatiku cekal secekal hati yang pernah KAU pinjamkan dahulu
agar aku tidah jatuh sebelum ke garisan penamat.

:( :( :(

Monday, 28 April 2014

The eyes. The secret.

Allah knows u r tired. Allah knows itz difficult. But always remember that He will never put u in the situation that u can't handle.
Yes, i know. In what situation i realize. Itz a reason behind why i was put into that situation.
I'm afraid that sometimes without me realize, the words doesnt come into my mind anymore.

For this past few years. For all the pain. For all the sickness.
I try to keep it inside my heart. 
I learned how to 'lie' about my feelings.
I tell myself to smile even the heart is crying. Even myself was suffering.

I make it diificult to anyone to read me.
Even to see the pain inside my eyes
But i know sometimes i failed.
Eyes has the amazing powers. It can tell u the secret that u want to hide it tightly
And also it cant lie sometimes.
Even u learn to be a good liar.

Dear eyes.
Please for this time, help me.
Now. U learn to prevent me from telling lies to the others
Even how struggle i am to kept the secret. To hide the true story.
Please for this time. Help me,
Help me so that nobody will see..
The truth. The pain, the sadness. 
That we, together have successfully hidden it for a long. Time.

a picture. a memory

one day u will be surprise how amazing a picture can be in future. in our life
tak tau kenapa, rasa makin sedih bila nak habis u ni. nak keluar u ni,
sedangkan sebelum ni tak sabar sangat nak habis degreee.
nak habiskan kepenatan, ke'tension'nan dan yang sewaktu dengannya.
tapi sekarang entah kenapa, bila tengok gambar2 bersama balik, rasa sangat sebak.
sebak sebab mungkin kita tak jumpa orang yang sebaik mereka itu
sebab sebab mungkin memori yang terlukis tidak seindah memori itu
sebak sebab mungkin rasa sayang antara sahabat itu tidak sekuat itu

sekarang berfikir betapa cepatnya masa berlalu.
seakan-akan hanya baru kerdipan mata pertama berlaku 
imbasan hari pertama selalu bermain.
mula2 interview. mula2 orientasi. mula2 kenal senior. mula2 kenal pensyarah. mula2 kenal pharmacy.
n sekarang. tak lama lagi. bakal berakhir.
rindu. sayang. sebak.
macam tu la kot, perasaan sekarang.
betul la orang kata kita hanya akan menghargai sesuatu bila kita kehilangannya.
tapi sekarang ni belum hilang dah sebak apa cerita?
*blurry face*

i know one day when i saw our pictures again, together, i will cried.
i 'hate' this feelings.
the feelings when i feel too close with someone.
because i know one day they will leave me, in any situation,
i 'hate' this feelings
the feelings when people around take a good care about me
because i know one day i will need their 'care' to move on, to wake up back
i 'hate' this feelings
the feelings when i love people around me
because one day i know i will miss them more than i ever thought.

but deep inside my heart, i know all the feelings that i 'hate' is somehow the feelings that make my life colorful. make my day more meaningful. n i know the 'great pictures' inside my heart with them was created with those feelings. 
thank you. deep inside my heart. for being a part of my 'great pictures'

*smile with tears*

#bpharm #memories #finalsem #finalyear #willendsoon #gonnamissthemomories #gonnamissthem 

Sunday, 27 April 2014

She is my twin. =)

my delayed post. i decided to post or write something about person around me as their birthday present.
somehow, my 'busy' time avoid me to do it. 
i supposed to post another 'story; today but since i have another delayed 'story', so we will settle it one by one. 
i want to write everything. i'm afraid one day, i will forget the 'sweetness'
itz not that i will forget them. itz just that i love read the story about them
if i let it few years more, maybe the story cant be written as sweet as now. 
=) =) =)

she has the fewest photo in my phone either in my ipad. susah nak culik tangkap gambar. 
lepas ni mungkin kena culik banyak sikit. heeee..

sebabkan nama kami hampir sama 
so, memang selalu la bila bahagi partner n kumpulan kita akan bersama.
twin gituuu..

she was a calmest person that i have ever met
which sometimes i wish i can be calm like her
she was one of strongest person that i have ever known
which make me sometimes, quietly without her or anyone knowing, i'll try to borrow some of her strength
she was one of the person that can keep her feeling deep inside her heart
which sometimes i feel that i'm not a good friend when i cant see the darkness inside her eyes.

thank you for always listen to my annoying stories.
thank you for always smile with my childish behavior
thank you for always patient with me when working with me
thank you for always give ur hand anytime when i need a help
but thank you in the first place for being a good n kind friend to me

sometimes u dont need 1001 comforting words.
what u need is only 1 words at the right time itz heals.
time heals but there are also something that really needs a lot of time to heal.
but with some words it accelerate the healing.

sometimes u are come out with 1001 comforting words.
but sometimes actually there are words that u want to hear from any person
which in the end maybe u still didnt get it

"sometimes 1000 words also cannot describe the heart. sometimes u miss someone that u can talk to soo much until when that person already in front of u but u suddenly become speechless. why? because u try to fill the short time left with the words that can describe all the feeling."

Monday, 21 April 2014

Hepy Besday Nabilah

disebabkan saya rajin nak buat karang, hari ni saya akan buat satu lagi karangan.

for my dear..

hepy birthday to my gorgeous, beutiful, kind and loving friend. (kat ig nak taip banyak sangat tak ada idea, kita sambung sini la yer)
disebabkan i tak ada hadiah untuk u, i buat ni sebagai hadiah hokay
sebagai tanda kasih sayang, gituuuu....

for this past few years,
thank you for being like a 'mum' to me
nagging me about 1001 things so that i will not repeat my mistake
thank you for being like a 'sister' to me
be with me, listen to me even when i'm in my weakest state
thank for being a good counselor to me
who give me 1001 advice which the words always touch my heart
thank for everything..

andai kata2 mampu mengungkap segala rasa hati, nescaya jejari akan terus menari
andai ceritera mampu melukis rahsia hati, nescaya akan ku layarkan sebuah kisah hati ini.

everyone have their past, make mistake, make a wrong choice.
we fall, we wake up and we run again. 
even we fall again, it doesnt matter as along as we get up as soon as possible
itz not our fault the destiny is not the same with what we want, itz not HIS fault either
thats are NO ONE fault.
itz just a life. a life that need us to make a sacrifice.to fall, to success, to fail but then to get up again.
so that we can be a better person, a strongest person than before.
let it go, look forward and never give up
ALLAH has write u a better plan that until now we dont know
HE make u fall so that in the future the happiness will taste tastier and better than we could imagine

that past, let it go, dont hold it anymore
itz hurt and itz more painful when we still hold it
heals take times.
times will heals.
u will never be alone. 
i cant be a person who will solve ur problem, ur sadness..
but quietly i will try to follow u, 
so that i know when u need my shoulder
i will be beside u,
to give u a hand when u need me.

i'll always ask why HE give me this destiny
why HE give me pain, failure and sadness
but i dont realize
ALLAH has give me a lot of beautiful person with me
so, for what reason i'm not feel grateful to HIM

seeing a story behind a story
and then u will smile.
how beautiful story that ALLAH already create and write for me..


<3 <3 <3

Friday, 11 April 2014

A judgement

a thing that some people cant even tolerate it even some people can.
hmm. some time yes but some time i can be a 'person' who are always thinking about what people talk about me. 
thats me. in and out, i'm happy with who i am.

i'm maybe sometimes do not care what i was wearing.
thats my cloths. as long as i covered my aurah, what rights that people have to complain my cloths?
i'm maybe sometimes do not care what i was doing.
i'm not doing something that illegal. i'm not doing something that lower my dignity. n i'm not doing things that will disturb anybody. 
as one my lecturer have told, just do it. dont be shame. itz not like u will met that person again. if yes, they are your family or friend, what u should worried about? they should accept who ever u are.
thats my principle.

accept me who ever i am.
tell me if i'm doing wrong, so i can improved
but please do not judge me..
i cant be other person.
because i'm happy with myself.

#self reminder. for me. for u. for us. for all# 
Tuesday, 1 April 2014

31 March 2014

i know i should not open my blog tonite. i should not write anything tonite.
i should prepare for my clerkship tomorrow. i should sleep early to go to hospital tomorrow.
i know that. i realize that. 
but the news that we got this afternoon about tragedy last nite make my heart, my mind refuse to do what i should do. 
we cant accept it. we cant realize it. seriously we cant. all of us.
u are with us before, for almost 4 years.
even we are not talking too much but we are under the same lecture room, for almost everyday for this past 7 semesters.
suicide. thats what the conclusion by the police even the investigation still continue until now.
why we cant believe it? 
because we know u. a quite person. motivational person. a good leader.
how can an amazing person like u are can choose this path?
we almost finish what we have started 4 years ago . we almost graduate. we almost get to be the people tat we want to be. just a little bit to endure. but...
seriously, not words can describe it. itz really breaks our heart..

*sorie tak mampu cari yang dlm bm. kata kunci berita: mayat dijumpai dalam longkang hostel usm*

tiada kata mampu diucap. segulung simpati buat keluarga n orang tersayang. semoga kuat. awan teduh, hujan dan mendung hari ni. seakan-akan memahami keteduhan n kesedihan hampir kesemua pelajar farmasi. terutama pelajar tahun akhir. how can we not sad? we are like a family. we are pharmily right?  facebook, twitter, wechat penuh dengan update. kata2 semangat n ucapan..

betapa singkatnya hidup kita kan? orang yang kita jumpa. baru jumpa. dan tiba2 dapat tau, yang kita tak kan jumpa dia lagi..

why i'm not stable? why i'm so cold? bcoz i'm afraid.
the 'gudbye' will be the last gudbye. the things that need to be clarify cannot be done.
what need to be spoken out cannot be tell. 

sekarang ni kami sibuk. sibuk untuk kuatkan diri sendiri. sibuk untuk cuba bagi kekuatan untuk orang2 yang kita sayangi. we have each other. yes! the most important things we have HIM right? 
we know that HE will never let we fall forever right?
thank you my dear frens, family, coursemates, roomate.
itz true itz not easy to go through the pain and pressure that we got for these past 3 years and a half
i know i can stand here today because the strength u gave me. the strength that ALLAH gave me thru all of u.
ALLAH gave me pain, sickness, failure, sad and finally He gave me many people that will help me to overcome all of that. so what other things that i can ask from HIM?
HE already give me everything.
tragedi hari ni benar2 menyedarkan kami. betapa singkatnya hidup kita. 
hargailah mereka sementara masih ada. 
sebab kita tak tau adakah esok masih ada buat kita. 
adakah orang tu akan still ada dengan kita.

For John Yip Kar Yong. our condolences to all ur family, friends and all ur beloved ones. 

Saturday, 1 March 2014


dont judge a person due to their decision
there will be a time when they have to make a decision 
that maybe none of us can understand 
why they made that decision
sit in my shoes and said i shouldn't do that
be with me when the problem comes
along with me find the solution
or at least give me a way out.
if u can't please do not ask me to change my decision.
because there will be a time when u need to be selfish
u need to think of urself
because sometimes urself need some space, some chance, some reward.
to make sure that u will never give up in the future.
itz very sad when it comes a moment
there are no one around u that u can ever trusted
a person that u can ask for their opinion
a person that u can share ur problem sincerely
i know i'm not a good person.
i know a happiness can come when we are giving someone else their happiness.
for that reasons, i will never give up
put a smile in someone else faces
even i know i cant hope to get it from them back.
so, please, do not look me bad just because i tried to find my own happiness.
at least give me some chances to grab my own happiness
at least...
Monday, 24 February 2014

Changes need time

changes need time
sorang tu takkan boleh berubah mendadak dalam sekelip mata
semua perlukan masa.
insyaALLAH niat baik akan ALLAH cukupkan masa tu
sebab masa Allah yang pegang. takdir Allah yang tulis.
jadi asalkan kita buat yang terbaik ke arah yang betul, dah ok kot.
orang lain tak perlu judge rasanya.
sebab semua yang berlaku nescaya DIA ada niat disebaliknya.
mengapa n kenapa terjadi begitu.
bila dan dimana DIA akan takdirkan sesebuah peristiwa itu.
p/s: do not hate them because they are not changes. but ask them did they try to changes. if yes, n they cant changed, its ur fault because u ignore them and not helping them.
n if they said no. its still ur fault. why? u are not even 'TRY' to help them, guide them to the truth.
so, did u still have the reasons to look bad on them and hate them?

Choose n choose n choose

the hardest things in life is when u have to make a choice.
even for this situation it will be 3 choices.
Kedah biar apa pun terjadi namamu tetap menjadi pilihan pertama.
utara tetap akan masuk tanpa perlu berfikir.
walaupun orang kata better jangan ambik tiga2 utara nanti kena tendang tempat lain.
so, what? i dont care. gagagaga...
*hati sangat takut*
maka dengan rasa hati yang memberat, pilihan ketiga kita ambik selatan yer.
dengan harapan tetaplah di semenanjung.
is it true i already need to make a decision.
still have some time to think..
so think n think n think.
Ya Allah, Kau permudahkanlah setiap langkah bagi kami.
Kau berikanlah petunjuk kepada kami agar pilihan kami ini terbaik 
terbaik dari sisi redhaMu ya Allah
agar perjalanan kami ini tetap diberkahi & direstui olehMu. 
*smile n keep thinking* =)

Sunday, 23 February 2014

New again?

seriously i hate it when i have to change and edit my blog again n again n again.
kepada pihak berkenaan.
bersimpatilah kepada diri ini yang tidak mampu menghasilkan rekabentuk blog sendiri
saya hanya mengambilnya dimana ownernya merelakannya ia dikongsi dengan 'percuma'.
janganlah padam lagi gambar2 demikian, kasihanilah saya.

penulis blog:

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

hepyyy besdayyyy dear.

kepada yang berkenaan. eh? eh? heeee.. for u dear..
here my present..
*mohon tengok video dulu sebelum baca yang bawah*

aku kan pelik. jadi disebabkan aku pelik aku malas nak letak lagu besday segala bagai.
sebab nanti rasa valid waktu besday je lepas tu tak dah. sebab tu aku malas.
"even aku memang selalu jadi malas" heeeee
mula2 ingat nak letak lagu minion tapi sebab aku rasa ia terlalu comel, maka aku tukar ke lagu yang aku suka.
warning: u should love this song too! heeee

happy birthday my dear friend. may ALLAH always bless u.
semoga senantiasa dilimpahi rahmat n 'Nur' dariNya.
semoga senantiasa bersinar dia atas redhaNya..

For this past 4 years.
thank you for always be with me
when i need someone to talk to.
thank you for always being my 'driver'
when i need to go to somewhere else
thank you for always watching over me
when i messed up 1000 things in a day
thank you for always being my 'counsellor'
when sometimes i lost my mind 
thank you for always lend your hand for me
when i think i will not be able to get up anymore
thank you for always positive with me
when everyone have different thought about me
thank you for always try to change my mind
when i think how unfair the world are to me..
thank you.

 disebabkan dah lama tak berkarya.eceyh. jadi semua jadi tunggang langgang. ampun n maaf.
semoga maksud dapat disampaikan dengan sempurna.
semoga menjadi
1. hamba Allah yang sempurna di mataNya
2. anak solehah
3. isteri solehah(maka cepat2 skit kawen. heee)
4. pharmacist muslim yang berjaya
5.,6.,7.,..... *maka sila isi sendiri*

happy birthday n again n again n again. thank you ALLAH for everything. may our friendship lasts forever. 
*hugs n tears*

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Lazy Person

lazy to do anything.
tapi sejak bila aku rajin bila sampai bab nak buat kerja ni?
normal bila aku malas. abnormal bila aku rajin
mohon percaya. 
berhari2 depan laptop mengharap thesis berjalan laju seperti kancil
tetapi gayanya lebih lambat dari kura-kura berjalan.
aku pun tak tau apa aku buat depan laptop ni berhari-hari. haisyhh.
punya perah otak nak simplify compund masuk table.
rupa-rupanya post-grad student yang tolong aku aritu dah buatkan untuk aku.
tapi aku tak bukak file dia, maka aku tak perasa. aku bukak tapi buat2 tak tau.
al-maklum la dia hantar waktu aku bukan berada dalam dunia thesis. jadi aku abaikan seperti angin lalu. maka salah siapakah ini.? mohon jangan tanya.
ohhh.. my holiday going to be end
sooo sadddd.. i'm still thinking that the holiday is tooo short.
senangkan dah sebulan. apa aku buat sebulan ni?
cari-cari balik aku punya diary, tapi ehh. mana aku ada diary?
merepek. ok, babai.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014


Bismillah. ya ALLAH kau permudahkanlah setiap kesukaran bagiku

final sem. insyaALLAH. terasa tak sabar nak masuk balik usm?
(eh?? tipu. mohon jangan percaya)
banyak pulak 4 unit kali ni. aritu tak ada. hmm. saja la tu. saja la tu.
ya ALLAH sungguh masa daftar ni tengok status 
rasa macam nak golek2 tak percaya.
ya ALLAH kau permudahkanlah langkah kami semua dalam menuju tahun akhir.
KAU berikanlah kami peluang untuk mengakhiri zaman 'degree' kami dengan 'indah' menurutMu.
ya ALLAH pabila kami melangkah ke alam pekerjaan kau ringankanlah kesulitan kami
Kau berikanlah kami peluang berbakti dengan ilmuMu sesuai dengan kehendakMu.
andai kata kami tersalah langkah atau andaikata kami terleka dalam menunaikan tanggungjawab kami
tegurlah kami ya ALLAH agar kami tidak terus melakukan kesilapan.
moga ilmu yang KAU pinjamkan kepada kami ini dapat kami kembangkan demi berbakti ke arah agamaMu ya ALLAH.
semoga niat kami membantu menggunakan ilmu dan kemahiran kurniaanMu senantiasa dipermudahkan dan mendapat keredhaanMu dunia akhirat. insyaALLAH.


Sunday, 9 February 2014

Sem 7. Alhamdulillah.

Alhmdulillah ya ALLAH. no words can describe it. syukur seribu kali syukur. =)
nasib baik sebelum ni dah penah nampak. klu tak mesti rasa nak tercabut jantung tengok 'TL' tu.
iyelah TL=tidak lulus.
tapi dalam kes ni tidak yer. TL=Tidak lengkap
sebab research kena ambik dua sem. jadi sem 2 baru la ada nilai
jadi buat masa ni TL dulu. heeee..
sebagai konklusi maka tamatlah sem 7.
tinggal lagi 1 sem insyaALLAH.
semoga perjalanan dipermudahkan ALLAH senantiasa.
sampai sekarang tetap susah nak terima kenyataan.
serius dah nak kerja? macam tak tau apa lagi/
how? how? how?
kadang2 pergi farmasi atau hospital tengok orang keja macam gerun.
i dont think that i'm ready for that kind of situation.
tapi mungkin masa dapat memper'siap'kan kita kot.
mungkin. mungkin. n mungkin..
Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Kredit diri sendiri

kadang2 dalam hidup adakalanya kita perlu 'meninggikan' diri kita
bukan dengan maksud menyelam dalam lautan pujian
terbang di angkasa keangkuhan
mahupun berjalan gak di atas lantai kesombongan.
tapi dengan memberi sedikit 'kredit' pada diri sendiri
agar diri kita terasa dihargai.
jasad n jiwa bersatu dalam erti seorang 'manusia'
tanpa sedar ianya terpisah dalam entiti sebenar

terasa macam tak dapat terima kan.
kalau bercakap dalam analogi:
dalam hidup acapkali terdengar kata2
"tinggal lama2 barang tu rosak baru tau. ialah sebab dah merajuk."
terdetik hati, apalah daya sesebuah barang yang tidak bernyawa itu untuk merajuk segala bagai?
tidak diendahkan. dengan takdir ALLAH maka rosaklah ia. terdetik hati eh, betul jugak. merajuk agaknya benda ni. tu yang rosak.
tipulah kalau tak pernah dengar situasi ni, mesti selalu kan, kan. *mohon cakap ya*. 

i wish that i can say this to the person that i wish..
but i know i will not be able to. 
maka bila tak boleh luahkan lisan inilah tempatnya ya anak2. ahaks.
do kredit urself. u are too precious to be regret. seriously you are.
with 1001 difficulties that u have gone through, so for what reasons u lower urself to them?
none in my words ask u to walk with arrogant, 
but give urself some 'credit'
appreciate ursellf. that is more than enough. 
we will always beside u. support u. be with u. insyaALLAH till jannah.

i know i cant help a lot. even sometimes cant be a good advisor.
but insyaALLAH until now i still try to be a good listener.
and until now i still try to teach myself to be a person with multiple personality 
so that in different situations i still can give my hand, my ears and my shoulder. =)

Monday, 27 January 2014

Let it go

u dont need 1000 words to calm u down.
to cheer u up.
to give u a smile.
to give u a courage.
u just need a space with a people that giving u a word.
not everytime but at the right time.. =)

yang tak tengok frozen mohon tengok. yang malas nak tengok, boleh just google lagu2 dia kat youtube. sangat best. the lyrics and the songs. very recommended. rasa macam nak ulang2 dengar lagu dia. 
that happened when i'm become addicted. =)


siapa2 adik2, akak2, abang2, pakcik2, makcik2. ehh?? errr.. sapa2 je la. applications dah bukak yer anak2 bleh la mula mohon. 
psiko sangat. saya bukan tengah meng'promosi' tapi sekarang saya tengah bohsan dan ini adalah post 'istimewa' untuk adik tersayang. istimewa la sangat kannn. heeee..
disebabkan selama beberapa lama ini laptop buat hal. semua benda tak leh bukak dengan blog sekali, maka nak meluahkan perasaan kat blog guna tab sangatlah menduga perasaan. kemalasan yang tinggi untuk menghantar laptopku ke kedai untuk dibaiki menyebabkan diriku dibebel banyak kali oleh ayahanda terchenta tapi kedegilan ku menjadi penyebab laptopku masih belum dibaikin ditakuk lama. terpaksa gigih bukak segala website yang tak bleh bukak dengan menggunakan tab. love u my tab. mohon jangan merajuk dalam beberapa bulan, saja laptop terpaksa di format kembali. rasa kedai tu pun dah penat nak layan diriku ini. mohon jangan format lagi laptop saya. teramatlah penat nak meng'update' n meng'upload' segala application... huuuu.. 


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