Monday, 28 April 2014

a picture. a memory

one day u will be surprise how amazing a picture can be in future. in our life
tak tau kenapa, rasa makin sedih bila nak habis u ni. nak keluar u ni,
sedangkan sebelum ni tak sabar sangat nak habis degreee.
nak habiskan kepenatan, ke'tension'nan dan yang sewaktu dengannya.
tapi sekarang entah kenapa, bila tengok gambar2 bersama balik, rasa sangat sebak.
sebak sebab mungkin kita tak jumpa orang yang sebaik mereka itu
sebab sebab mungkin memori yang terlukis tidak seindah memori itu
sebak sebab mungkin rasa sayang antara sahabat itu tidak sekuat itu

sekarang berfikir betapa cepatnya masa berlalu.
seakan-akan hanya baru kerdipan mata pertama berlaku 
imbasan hari pertama selalu bermain.
mula2 interview. mula2 orientasi. mula2 kenal senior. mula2 kenal pensyarah. mula2 kenal pharmacy.
n sekarang. tak lama lagi. bakal berakhir.
rindu. sayang. sebak.
macam tu la kot, perasaan sekarang.
betul la orang kata kita hanya akan menghargai sesuatu bila kita kehilangannya.
tapi sekarang ni belum hilang dah sebak apa cerita?
*blurry face*

i know one day when i saw our pictures again, together, i will cried.
i 'hate' this feelings.
the feelings when i feel too close with someone.
because i know one day they will leave me, in any situation,
i 'hate' this feelings
the feelings when people around take a good care about me
because i know one day i will need their 'care' to move on, to wake up back
i 'hate' this feelings
the feelings when i love people around me
because one day i know i will miss them more than i ever thought.

but deep inside my heart, i know all the feelings that i 'hate' is somehow the feelings that make my life colorful. make my day more meaningful. n i know the 'great pictures' inside my heart with them was created with those feelings. 
thank you. deep inside my heart. for being a part of my 'great pictures'

*smile with tears*

#bpharm #memories #finalsem #finalyear #willendsoon #gonnamissthemomories #gonnamissthem 

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