Monday, 27 January 2014

Let it go

u dont need 1000 words to calm u down.
to cheer u up.
to give u a smile.
to give u a courage.
u just need a space with a people that giving u a word.
not everytime but at the right time.. =)

yang tak tengok frozen mohon tengok. yang malas nak tengok, boleh just google lagu2 dia kat youtube. sangat best. the lyrics and the songs. very recommended. rasa macam nak ulang2 dengar lagu dia. 
that happened when i'm become addicted. =)

1 cakap-cakap tentang coretan ini:

Ares Skywalker said...

USM boleh tengok youtube. hahaha
Best video. Tak tgk lg, nk tggu hd, boleh tgk dgn anak buah nnt.


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