Monday, 6 June 2016

People and Darkness

I like to write, something that can make me calm is when my fingers can speak out the words from my heart
but there are always time when the tears comes out earlier than expected
n the heart hurt before the fingers can calm the heart
n lately times becomes the barrier
i wish one day i will not forger how calm it is when i can let the fingers to calm my heart

they easily can see the other people in the light.
but ever u see someone who can see u in the dark
n people ask me, how to see other people in the dark?
n how can that ability can save and calm other people
n why we need to do that.

there will be a time when sorrow surround their day
but for some people they can show their sorrow on their face
they hide it in the their smile

Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.
I still wish. i still hope.
there will be a time where people can see other people's tears 
behind other people's smile
they can see the present of other person despite the darkness of the day
they can hold other peoples hand who gasping for the air of hope.

one day u can see that people.
u ever known this type of people
hold their hand. n tell them
please. stay in my story of life
because only your shining presents can give the light to my darkness day.

If and only if u know that person
Love them until the last of the breatth
because maybe they will be the first and last time
u ever known that that type of people..

Saturday, 30 April 2016

Life Changes

Dear my diary aka my blog
Lately i'm wondering what the people wants and expected in other people.
did they expected that all people to be perfect like they are?
or did they expected all people can become exactly like they wanted?
people have weakness. and sometimes they do learned and tried to change
not to change to become exactly like people around them wanted
but to change to be a better person
but sometimes also changes need an effort, support n time
n when people around them who expected changes without considering this factors
the changes becomes hard
 n finally the people who initially wants to changes be hurt
so please before u want to change people
understand them.
then support them
even when they do the little things that still hurt u
still understand they have tried.
n trying demands time and sacrifice
coretan hati luahan rasa
taman sentosa, taiping perak
Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Thank you

Some of beutiful people that I met during my journey
they are not coming in promise
they are not coming with a warn
they even not the people that I have known for years
but they are people that lighting the sorrow of life in taiping
never imagine in my life before a short welcoming event finally become a deep relationship.

siapa kata hidup jauh itu mudah
siapa kata hidup sendiri itu indah
tapi tatkala hati mengeluh memikirkan masa depan
tika itu Dia menyisipkan bunga kebahagian di sebalik kehadiran mereka
Dia kirimkan sebuah ceritera suka duka pahit manis bersama mereka

ceritera suka yang bisa memberikan dirimu sebuah senyuman

ceritera duka yang bisa mengingatkan mu tentang realiti kehidupan

cerita pahit agar pengajaran itu tetap bersamamu

ceritera manis yang bisa memberikan dirimu sebuah kenangsn terindah

supaya nanti suatu hari nanti kau berani melantangkan
Allah tidak meletakkan jalan menuju kejayaan itu dengan semata duri. sebaliknya akan Dia selitkan bunga2 keindahan

andai satu hari nanti perpisahan menanti
ku tahu kata2 itu akan sangat berat untuk diungkapkan
tetapi ketahuilah
sebuah kenangan itu tidak akan pudar di sebalik ucapan perpisahan

terima kasih

untuk masa terluang

terima kasih

untuk kata2 membina

terima kasih

untuk tangan yg menggapai

terima kasih 

memori tercipta

terima kasih 

untuk semua. 


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