Hyperthyroidism is a state where your thyroid gland makes too much of thyroid hormone. Or in the other words, this condition is called "overeactive hormone. Thyroid gland is located in the front of the neck just below the voice box. It was an important organ of the endocrine system as it produces the hormone thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which control the way every cell in the body uses energy. this process is called metabolism which how your body turns food in energy. At the same time, it also affects the heart, muscles, bones. and cholesterol.
The most causes of hyperthyroidim is Grave's disease. In Grave's disease, the body's natural defense (immune system) attacks the thyroid gland. So, to fight back, the thyroid will make too much of thyroid hormone.
But there are also other diseases and conditions that can cause this problem including getting too much of iodine, inflammation (thyroiditis) of the thyroid due to viral infections or other causes, noncancerous growths of the thyroid gland or pituitary gland, some tumors of the testes or ovaries or when taking large amount of thyroid hormone.
Having too much of hyroid hormone can make a lot of things in the body to speed up. A person may lose weight quickly, have a fast heartbeat, sweat a lot or feel nervous and moody.
The other symptoms:
- Difficulty concentrating
- Fatigue
- Frequent bowel movements
- Goiter (visibly enlarged thyroid gland) or thyroid nodules
- Heat intolerance
- Increased appetite
- Increased sweating
- Irregular menstrual periods in women
- Nervousness
- Restlessness
- Weight loss (rarely, weight gain)
Other symptoms that can occur with this disease:
- Breast development in men
- Clammy skin
- Diarrhea
- Hair loss
- Hand tremor
- High blood pressure
- Itching - overall
- Lack of menstrual periods in women
- Nausea and vomiting
- Pounding, rapid, or irregular pulse
- Protruding eyes (exophthalmos)
- Rapid, forceful, or irregular heartbeat (palpitations)
- Skin blushing or flushing
- Sleeping difficulty
- Weakness
Hyperthyroidism is easily treated. With the treatment, a person can have a healthy life. But, without the treatment, hyperthyroidism can lead to serious heart problems, bone problems and a dangerous condition called thyroid storm
The doctor will ask about the symptoms and do a physical examination. physical examination may reveal high systolic pressure, hyperactive reflexes, increased heart rate, thyroid enlargement and tremor.
Besides that, a blood test is done to see how much thyroid hormone the body is making. The blood tests will measyre the levels of thyroid hormones that are TSH(thyroid stimulating hormone) which usually will be low in this condition, and T3&T4 (suppose to be high for hyperthyroidism)
This disease will effect the result of the cholesterol test, glucose test and radioactive iodine uptake.
Treatment depends on the cause and the severity of symptoms. Radioactive iodine and antithyroid medicine are the treatments doctor use most often. The best treatment will be depend on a number of things, including age. Some people need more than one kind of treatment.
Radioactive iodine is the most common treatment. Most people are cured after taking one dose. It will destroy part of the thyroid gland, but it is not harm any parts of the body.
Antithyroid medicine works best if the symptoms are mild. These pills do not damage the thyroid gland. But, they do not always work, and it have to be taken at the same time every day. If they stop working, need to try radioactive iodine
If the thyroid must be removed with surgery or destroyed with radiation, thyroid hormone replacement pills must be taken for the rest of the life.
- Nnlm.nih.gov (2002) Hyperthyroidism: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. [online] Available at: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000356.htm [Accessed: 29 Jan 2013].
- Nlm.nih.gov (2002) Hyperthyroidism: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. [online] Available at: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000356.htm [Accessed: 29 Jan 2013].
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